How to submit the report 01 IE Prom

How to submit the report 01 IE Prom

How to submit the report 01 IP prom for individual entrepreneurs

01-IP (industrial). Report on the production of industrial products (goods, services) by an individual entrepreneur. It is required to be submitted once every 2 years. This year it is submitted until the end of February, for the past years 2022 and 2023rd So, where to start. Received a call from an employee who cheerfully informed that we need to submit a report to QazStat Bureau of National Statistical Office of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

It is necessary to submit it by the end of February, otherwise a fine will be imposed (fines in Kazakhstan are high, so much so that some people prefer to leave the country or commit suicide) Warnings so to speak there will be no warnings, not submitted, fine!

What we will need to pass this quest: 1) EDS electronic digital signature, can be obtained online, or through the Center of Public Information at the place of residence 2) Know your OKED - general classifier of economic activities 3) Reporting for the year 2022-2023, on the products produced.

Now step by step what to do: On the site to register and activate your account through the letter that will come to email.

Go to and go to “respondent's cabinet” - you will be redirected to another page in

On the page you need to log in with EDS and in the top menu select the CALENDAR tab - this is important, because you will not be able to submit a report using logic and other tabs.

In the calendar section look for the report 01IP PROM in the section OTHER REPORTS OF THIS DAY, if you have found it, congratulations, you are close. Click on the SEND REPORT button in front of it

You will be redirected to a new page (8888 is the port number, it may be different for you).

At the top of the button with the Paki icon and the inscription OPEN, click, select your enterprise, click SELECT, then NEW report Open and fill out the form.

The name of types of products by CPC choose your OKED, if you do not know your OKED, the only working method to find it out online is the mobile application KASPI.KZ (State Services --> CHANGE IE REQUIREMENTS --> (agree to data processing) --> Read the MAIN TYPE OF ACTIVITIES there is the name of the type and below the numbers for example 31. 09.0 is the main type of activity. 09.0 is the OKED, which is usually written without dots 31090 now in the column CPT According to your OKED enter in the field the name of your OKED, there will be a list corresponding to your activity, choose what corresponds to you. (if you do not know exactly what to choose it is better to consult with a specialist) as an option in the code SCPP enter 310912400 (Separate wooden products for cabinet furniture).

Further units of measurement will give out pieces or thousands of pieces (depends on what you choose) indicate the previous year (2022) how many products were produced, for the reporting year (2023) and the last section summarizing the turnover of 2022 and 2023, the resulting amount is divided by 1000 and enter.

Now look at the top of the field TIME TAKEN I recommend to choose 40 hours, because everything is made really confusing and the developers should fix all this mess with reporting and convenience for users. (if you don't select this field it will generate an error and won't let you send the report until you select this item).

Now open the EXECUTOR'S DATA tab and fill in the name of the executor, the respondent's phone number (landline), city phone number, cell phone number, e-mail address (of the respondent).

Save just in case of fire, when you save it, you check the filling and if there are any errors, they indicate which fields need to be corrected.

The final straight click SEND, sign with EDS and wait, do not leave the page, which, as usual, can hang, as one TV presenter said: “This is the norm! "

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, and there it is, the window that the report is accepted. Now you can have a drink, tea or coffee. The report is done, you will not be touched for 2 years.

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